Forget BNI Internet Banking Password

Posted: Februari 14, 2014 in bank

internet banking is one of many channels owned by bank for expand and facilitate a customer to transaction or payment.generally each bank have internet banking fiture because this channel believed by bank provide large benefits.

for those of you who have internet banking account in BNI bank there is a little information for you to avoid account blocked caused enter by wrong password when a login.Password on BNI internet banking have a sensitive character it mean there is a difference small letter and big letter for example : “andi” word is difference with “Andi” word.before you input password make sure that “Caps Lock” button is disable on your keyboard, because many of user BNI internet banking not aware caps lock button on keyboard was enabled which result the word to be a big whereas supposed to be small.

back to the topic it is a forget password BNI internet banking,there are some you should do if you have this case.the first is do not try it mean if you fell you not a remember login password don’t try to input login password until 3 times, if you do and the result is wrong your account will be blocked by system.the second make sure Caps Lock button on your keyboard is disabled.

there is a step if you forget login password in this case you still not a blocked :

  1. reset password by ATM
  2. after reset password ATM will be release a receipt, inside it a code for inputted into internet banking
  3. access to internet banking
  4. click forget password
  5. internet banking go directly to the next pages
  6. input a textbox –> click shearch
  7. if right, internet banking will ask for a new password which is used to login

I hope this article can be helpful for you who are experiencing this case and don’t forget to change a password periodically to avoid unwanted things and access internet banking from computer or laptop which belived

good afternoon long time no write in this blog, directly on discussion partly a lot of us has experienced want open new tab on IE but cant because we uses new IE,below is a image that new tab is disabled
10-04-2013 2-32-04 PMif you feel like that let’s listen some tricks you should do to make a new tab is enabled, the tricks is very simply like a below

  1. click tools –> internet options,to appear the image below
    10-04-2013 2-35-43 PM
  2. click “setting” button like an image above
  3. check list “enable tabbed browsing…” like an image below
    10-04-2013 4-12-36 PM
    4.end by clicking “OK” button and thanĀ  close IE application open IE for the second time,if you right you will get like the image below
    10-04-2013 4-14-34 PM

10-04-2013 4-16-46 PM